Monday, May 30, 2011

4: Addressing Audiences

Creating Products for Specific Audiences

Types of Media Products

• TV
• Radio
• Newspapers
• Magazines
• Books
• Websites

Elements of Media Products

• Selection of content – selection of elements

Selection of Content

• Words
• Images
• Sound
• Sequences
Colours (colour grading)
• Fonts

Group Work

Media Product Element Comments of Use
Television Commercial (e.g.: MSV Life) Voice Over To describe the service, and attract more attention
Film (e.g.: Avatar) Graphics and animation To emphasize further the visuals
Radio adverts (e.g.: Vodafone) Music To make them more appealing
Magazines (e.g.: Gwida, Antenna) & Newspapers (e.g.: The Times) Articles Publishing the public opinion and freedom of speech

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