Monday, May 30, 2011


Gender:    Male ____                    Female _____
Age:   ____       
Occupation:    Student    ____                       Worker  ____

1.      In your opinion, is the advert of a good quality?

Yes ___                 No____

2.      In general, what did you understand from the advert?



3.      From 1 to 10, how effective do you think it is? (10 being the highest)



4.      Do you think the message interacted clearly with the audience?



5.      In your opinion, do you think it has a specific target audience?


6.      A. Would you read ‘Strada Stretta; It-Triq li Darba Xeghlet il-Belt’ after watching this advert?

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Yes___                                        No____

B. Why?


7.      What impact does the editing of this advert leave on the audience?

Positive Impact___                                  Negative Impact___

8.      A. Would you require to change or criticize something from the advert?

Yes___                                    No   ____

B. If yes, what would it be?



Thank you very much for your time to fill in this questionnaire. Much appreciated!

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