Sunday, May 29, 2011

Portable Media Devices

These devices are small and they include:
Portable Tv, I pod, Archos, USB, Modern mobile phones, cameras
Today computers can incorporate :
Inputting and outputting
The internet
Computer and the Internet
·       Computers today can be considered media hubs.  This is because of the hard disk spaces computers have today.
·       The internet has also revolutionized the media in all aspects.
·       The internet has helped the media. Remember that GOOGLE TV, APPLE TV cannot function without the internet. Netflix is a VOD system based online.
·       However internet has also increased piracy. An example is Napster, used to download music.
·       Internet has help3d the media reach a worldwide audience. Example: a South African film through the internet can be easily promoted worldwide through online news and
·       The only barrier in this case would be the language but again today one can find a separate subtitle files.
·       Internet today is used by several movie goers. Many people watch movies on their computers, rather than renting them on DVD.
·       This may be a threat to the dvd rental industry although the internet also lets people buy DVD’s online
·       People also watch their favourite shows on the internet. Still, this fives internet users more ideas as to what they can watch on tv.

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