Monday, May 30, 2011


Gender:    Male          ___                Female         __
Age:             ___ years
Occupation:    Student ____   Worker  ___

Advert 1 :  Johnson’s baby Shampoo advert -     

Advert 2:  Felce Azzurra’s body shampoo advert  -

1.      In your opinion, which is the best advert from these two?
Johnson’s baby Shampoo advert                         ____
Felce Azzurra’s body shampoo advert                ____

2.      Why did you choose it? ______________________________________________________
A.  Which advert do you think is the most effective for a mainstream type of audience?  _________________________________________________________
 B.   Why? 
A.   Is advert 1, convincing for you to buy the product?   ___ Yes                  ___  No
B.   Is advert 2, convincing for you to buy the product?   ___Yes                   ___  No
A. In short, what do you think is the message of :
             Advert 1 :

Advert 2 :

B.      Which one had the most clear message?

____ A1

____ A2

6.      A.  If you had to criticize or change something in both the Johnson’s baby Shampoo advert and the Felce Azzurra’s body shampoo advert, what would it be? _________________________________________________
B.      Why?

Thank you very much for your time to fill in this questionnaire. Much appreciated!

Elena Sammut
Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production
Group : B

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