Sunday, May 29, 2011

4. Contractual, Ethical and Legal obligations

Health and Safety
-          An employer has various responsabilities, one of which being health and safety of the workers.
-          This is especially true when dealing with TV studio and film set.
-          A studio/set is full of potentially hazardous objects like.
-          This is the bigggest responsibility of any employer.
-          The OHC Authority in Malta is there to oversee health and safety at the work place.
-          In high budget TV and film, a person might be employed to assess the risks of certain locations.
-          In films, a risk assessment might be employed to it that all sets used are safe, and to measure the degreee of safett on set.


-          The press relation act of 1976 makes it unlawful to discrimination against someone directly or indirectly on racial grounds.
-          A new body, the commisssion for equality and human rights, came into existence in 2007, The commission
-          CEHR (in 2007) à
-          Identifies equality, diversity and respet for the human rights and dignity of all UK citizens.
NCPE (Malta)
-           In Malta, the NCPE is the authority in charge to ensure equality especially at the place of work.
-          This applies to all areas including media.
-          Example: Where there is no equality.
-          Equality in the work place includes issues of:
Ethinicity/Racism, Gender discrimination and stereotyping, Religion, Age discrimination.
-          In 2006, the BB employed 10.2% of it’s staff from black and ethnice minorities and 5.2% of it’s senior management.
-          In media, it is still very common to find that directors, executive producers and sound are mostly male domianted roles.
-          Technical roles are mostly dominated by males.
-          Newscasters and editing however enjoys a large percentage of female audiences.
-          Editing on film without sound was very popular with females.
-          We will first look at the issue of intellectual property.

What is intellectual property? (IP)

-          Copyright ©
-          Trademark ™
-          Patents
Copyright © 
It gives the creators of:
-          Economic rights
-          Moral rights
-          The right to object to the distortion or mutilation of their creations.
-          It is the right given to authors to reproduce the work, prepare deruvative works or to perform or publicly present this work.
Under copyright you may find:
Art, Literature, Moving media works
Copyright doesn’t protect names, titles and slogans.
Copyright is automatic.
No need to be registered.
Copyright lasts for 70 years after the death of the owner. These rights may also be transferred/sold or copied.
Owners of material have the right to:

Authorize copying.
Authorize the issuing of copies to the public.
Authorize renting/performing/making an adaption of the copyrighted original.

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