Sunday, May 29, 2011

Understanding how media audiences respond to Media Products

Include a personal insight about the way audiences responded to each commercial backed up by theories, debates and responses in not more than 500 words.

As far as I can see, the Johnson's baby Shampoo Advert is very popular with the audience. It has a good imitable behaviour which is children friendly. Hence, people will sympathise with the baby in the advert although others would complain because the baby is not caucasian. On the other hand the Felce Azzurra Shampoo Advert came with a lot of debate  from students. Some said it was too much seductive as sexual content sparked controversary. Well, actually there was nothing regarding “sexual content”  but the fact that the woman in the advert was exposing her body to the audience, debate occured.

For the Johnson's baby Shampoo Advert many answered that it reflects a real life situation in a relax environment and atmosphere. Well, it's true. While washing the baby you have to be calm and relaxed so that he would not cry. But for the Felce Azzurra Shampoo Advert, it is not that realistic as when we are having a bath normally in this busy environment where everyone is always on the go, we would hurry up and have the bath in the least possible time!

In the filled in questionnaires, the students were giving their opinions according to their knowledge especially when using graphics. The majority were Graphics' students and some were Media colleagues. There was no passive consumption as each and every student responded in different ways according to their personalites. All the questionnaires had an active consumption which I really admired and appreciated in the students. If I had to show these adverts to children I think they would be fascinated about the way they are structured because children do not worry about money and are fascinated by everything. But for over 18 students, I admired the fact that although they were doing a questionnaire, it came out like a focus group. They watched both adverts infront of me, 5 students each time and then answered the questions.

The uses and gratification theory was really needed as shampoo is not only something you want, but something you NEED... and the best of all this is that you need it everyday. So, the consumer whilst making his choice about shampoos for his children and for himself, needs to consider the money and the good quality of the product. Why do we need to use Felce Azzurra shampoo everday? Because it relaxes mind and body and gives us a good bath. Why do we need to use the Johnsons baby Shampoo on our children? So that they would be happy like that cute baby in the advert! These are the responses I've got from the questionnaire. And it's true! After all when we see someone laughing, we can say “they are happy”. The baby did not cried when he felt the shampoo on his hair, but he continued playing and he laughed! The woman in the other advert, did not hurry to take the bath but was totally calm and relaxed so that she would enjoy herself putting soap on her body! These things gave the audience a positive message from both adverts.

Ages varied from 18 to 24 years and the majority were males.  They were all students but two of them were workers as well. Almost all of them reacted well about the Johnson's baby shampoo, and they said it is a more effective advert as it delivers a result. Others did not like the Felce Azzurra shampoo advert as in their opinion it was too dramatic and seductive! Also the message is not straight forward like the first Advert. Although the majority of the students does not have knowledge about media but they understood that the first advert looked more professional and is targeted for a larger audience. We call it the mainstream type of audience! Students were more convinced whilst wathcing the Johnsons baby shampoo ad then whilst watching the Felce azzurra shampoo ad. They saw that it was really calm! Well, they wanted to say that a more fast paced editing would be ideal for it. Students criticized the way Felce Azzurra advert was presented to the audience and did not understand the message from the beginning of the advert unlike the other advert! They did a great job with the answers they gave in these questionnaires.

Well, at least they did not censor the Felce Azzurra Shampoo. Maybe, because the majority were males (10) but still the other females (6) did not censor it! Nowadays, showing legs and body are fine with audiences, at least youngsters for sure!


Elena Sammut             
Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production            
Group: B

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