Monday, May 30, 2011

Audience Feedback

-          We already know that media producers make use of audience research.
-          Now would like to get some feedback back from the audience.
 - Questionnaires, Comments, focus groups (feedback)
- Focus Groups - made up of representations of the target audience.
- Audience Panels – members of panels provide feedback on a regular basis.
- Trialling and Testing – samples of the audience give feedback on short ‘pilot’ extracts of what the complete product will be like.

-          Ordinary members of the target audience / professional reviewers who write reviews of the product for newspapers.
-          Sometimes provide the cruellest feedback of all.
-          Can be received directly from members of the audience
-          May complain to an official body (eg: Ofcom for broadcasting , ASA fro advertising, Press Complaints Commission for newspapers and magazines)

-          Audience Information
-          Sources of Infromation
-          Audience Classification
Audience Information
-          Focus Groups
-          Questionaires
-          Research Agencies
-          Audience Measurement Panels/ Ratings
Focus Groups
-          Usually 8-10 people
-          Have understructured questions
-          Discussion
-          Qualitative data
-          Answers the hows and whys
-          Advantages: can be collected from a large group of people; standardised questions; easy to analyse closed-ended questions
-          Disadvantages: open-ended can generate large amounts of data and take a long time to process; some questions may be left unanswered
Research Agencies
-          E.g.: Misco – it is an independent professional company providing marketing research, training and development, business consultancy and people selection
-          Other Research agencies – private
Audience Measurement:
-          What we call ratings- through surveys etc
-          Measures how many people are in an audience
o   E.g: television viewership
o   E.g: newspaper / magazine readership
o   E.g: web traffic on websites
TVM Leads Broadcasting Survey ( Tue, 2nd Feb 2010 11:48 CET)

Sources Of Information
-          Rate Cards
-          Advertisers’ Information Packs
-          Research Agencies

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