Monday, May 30, 2011

D: Representation


·         How is the life of Britney Spears represented in the media through the years? What about the ups and the downs? The good vs. the bad times?

·         What is representation?

o   Definition:

§  “The construction in the mass media on aspects of reality such as people, places, objects, events, cultural identities and other concepts.”
o   These representations can be done in speech, writing, stills or moving images.
o   How someone is portrayed in the media can affect how people think about him or her.
o   Positive portrayal can bring benefits but negative portrayal can cause great harm.
o   The media build up celebrities with lots of positive coverage.
o   It also has the tendency to knock them: down again when  they are caught doing something wrong or because they are out of favor
1.      Representing social groups
2.      Representing social issues
·         What is normal?
o   Gender?
o   Race?
o   Physical Abilities?
§  Beliefs?
§  Religion?
§  Ethnic origin?
§  Location?
§  Sexual Orientation?

Representing social groups

·         The media represents social groups in many different ways.
·         Sometimes fairly and sometimes not.
·         The only way to know how unfair such representations are is to belong to such a group, or to know someone very well who does.
·         There is a tendency that people develop attitudes to others through what they see, read and hear in the media
·         That is why representation is an important issue for media studies and for media producers
·         In many ways, attitudes towards women and ethnic minorities have improved a lot in the past 20 – 30 years.
·         Women are not long depicted as housewives…
·         No long acceptable to make fun of people just because of the ethnic origins.

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