Monday, May 30, 2011


5. Self Promotional Work
The media industry works slightly different from other sectors in the job field
This is because in the media industry, words are not genereally enough to explain what you do
Apart from a curriculum vitae, and a covering letter, you will also need to produce what’s called a showreel or demoreel.
A showreel is a short visual or audio presentation of your work in the media field
In it you will put the best work of your career, related to the post you will be applying for.

Some basic rules for a good showreel

The showreel should not be longer than 30 seconds, if you want to make a very good impression. Choose the very best of your work, and mesmerize your interviewer.
If you’re applying for a role in production, its useless showing your editorial skills in your showreel.
30 Seconds should be in the form of an eye catching TV Commercial.
If you wish to show more work, you could always ask your employer to see more examples of your work.
Creative.  Choose the parts that make you stand out over others.
Credit other people’s work. It’s OK to show work in which you’ve worked in a group.
Include your contacts at the end of the showreel. Ideally present it on a printed DVD or Blu ray.

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