Friday, April 1, 2011

Advertisement Production


  •         Hidden and Overt messages
  •         Emotional responses or association
  •         Celebrity Endorsement

Hidden and Overt messages

  •          Messages that are hidden in the images are harder to   decipher
  •          While the overt ones are very visible

Overt Messages

  •          Over messages on TV are seen in TV commercials
  •           Overt messages usually feature prominently
  •           They either convey a clear message about the product/ service or seek emotional response

Subliminal Messages

-   Subliminal messages work by giving the audience more information that they can possibly analyze at once.
-   The overt message might be a simple image and a slogan, but the subliminal message might communicate other messages, including sex, affordability or other positive messages
-    There has always been images embedded inside of others that cause you to crave  the product of associate the product with their things
-   When advertisers use this technique : it is usually hidden
-   Although some claim that subliminal advertising is a myth, some still believe in its powers
-   Connection of product with women
-  Objectification of women

Hidden Messages in Logos

Body Wisdom – Hands to convey relaxing yet also give indication to “Owl eyes”
Amazon logo- has everything from A to Z , Includes a smile
Toblerone – Switzerland , Bear on the mountain
Horror Film logo – The reel looks like a scared face
Yoga Australia – Australia map in between leg and hand

Product Placement

-   Product Placement is a source of hidden messages
-   Companies pay a huge amount of money for their product to be placed in the media product such as films

Emotional Responses or Association

-          Solution to a Problem
-          Fear
-          Concern/ Shock
-          Compassion
-          Self-perception
-          Social Position

Celebrity Endorsement

-   A persuasive technique that says that consumers relate to the person/s appearing in the ad
-  If the celebrity/athlete/star uses the product, then it must be good, therefore I purchase it too
-   An advertiser often looks for a list of characteristic when they choose a celebrity

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