Thursday, April 14, 2011

Powerpoint Presentation Task 2 Unit 6


¢  Two similar products aimed at two different target audiences
¢  Different producers constructed their adverts for each product’s specific audiences

¢  The sun is representing the soap
¢  The soap hurts the baby’s eyes but the Johnson’s baby Shampoo does not hurt the baby
¢  “No more tears” are the written words used on the shampoo to  represent this
Product’s target audience
¢  Mainstream type of audience as it reaches all the families who have children
¢  The theme of motherhood is really essential as it gives a sense of friendship between the mother and the child.  In the case of this advert the boy!
Techniques Used
¢  The use of colours are really essential in these type of adverts
¢  One can notice the colour yellow in the flowers, the toy (duck) and other toys which are related to children. These are yellow as the Johnson’s baby Shampoo’s background is yellow too!
¢  The soap is pink on purpose so that it would not match with the yellow of the product
¢  The baby’s hair is black as the foam of the Johnson’s baby shampoo would be emphasized. White foam on black hair
¢  The advert is very realistic as babies need to be washed by their mum with sophisticated sensitive shampoo
¢  The comparison between the soap and the shampoo is very effective

¢  There is an emphasis on the white drops that are falling on the woman’s body
¢  The colour white is very essential to the advert as it represent milk which is natural and as the twist of the advert comes “Il cuore bianco della Natura … Naturalmente senza coloranti”
¢  The caption at the end explains everything

Product’s target audience
¢  This advert has a mainstream type of audience as approximately half of the world’s population are women
¢  It is targeted for those women who love to wash and relax at the same time. In fact there is this woman who is relaxing while having the bath. She is not having a quick bath as the Felce Azzurra relaxes her mind and body

Techniques Used
¢  Unlike the first advert, the Felce Azzurra shampoo cannot be used by babies
¢  Although we see the woman-figure in the advert, the Felce Azzurra can be used by both women and men. Hence we can see the technique of the actress used. Women can buy the product as it relieves their stress and hassle while on the other hand men buy the product as well after watching the beautiful woman’s body in the advert
¢  The flowers drawn on the plastic cover according  to the colour of the tap are very influential as flowers give that sense of freshness and living

¢  The advert is very realistic as people needs to wash daily
¢  The attractiveness of the woman capture one’s mind and even women themselves can see their body softer after using the Felce Azzurra shampoo
¢  The colour white gives a sense of breathing and naturality. As I compare white to milk, in this advert the shampoo is being formed from milk and then the plastic cover arises. The covers of the three products are on the same colour level (light blue, orange, pink)
¢  The subtitle Natura implicates that it is a natural product. Hence it does not harm the body for everyday usage

¢  If we had to compare both adverts they have a different type of audiences
¢  One is targeted for those mothers who have babies and needs a good, sensitive shampoo for her children and the other one is targeted either for the parents themselves or for both women and men
¢  Background colours and actors’ body language are very influential in adverts like these and others
¢  They are both shampoos that act well on fine, sensitive skin as both the baby and the woman’s skins were gentle and soft!
In the Johnson’s baby shampoo advert, the action of sunlight on the baby’s skin is a hazard for the baby as it ruins his soft, gentle skin. This was compared to the soap as an ordinary soap would harm the baby’s soft and gentle skin too! So, obviously the Johnson’s baby shampoo would be the ideal shampoo for the baby. We can capture this even from his mother’s facial expressions. Her long smile arises when she washes her baby boy with this shampoo and so the baby starts smiling and enjoying the wash too! (First Advert)

¢  On the other hand the Felce Azzurra advert has a very symbolic meaning as it is showing what the shampoo contains. It is white and concentrated like the drops that were falling on the woman’s body
¢  It is very convenient to buy as you have to use only some drops everyday. As the Felce Azzurra shampoos are very concentrated and natural, they are safe to use on sensitive, gentle skin and would last for long. Like the advert commenced, few drops on our body everyday would be useful for our daily wash and to relaxes our mind. It clear away our everyday hassle (Second Advert)

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