Friday, April 1, 2011

Film and cinema

Their role at that time was to both produce and distribute their movies . Today most major studios in the US, deal only with the distribution aspect, and are known as the big 6 which are :

·         20 th centenary fox
·         Warner brothers
·         Universal
·         Walt Disney
·         Paramount
·         Sony

Independent film

Is another form of film which is generally more artistic .The term independent however drives from the facet that these movies are made without any major film studio backing .Thus budgets in these films are generally low and success rates in the commercial market are also generally limits due to little promotion.
In the last 2 decades however with the increase of relatively cheap video production material, independent films have seen an increase by aspiring film makers .This lead to less dependency from major film studios, and the establishment of independent film studios such as Lion Gate.

Inependent films

·      Little miss sunshine
·       Che
·       Trainspotting
·       Fahrenheit 9/11
·       SAW

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