Friday, April 1, 2011

Types Of Organizations

Types of organizations which  include :

§  Public
§  Commercial
§  Multinational
§  Independent
§  Voluntary
§  Community

Examples of public service Organizations:


Public tv
BBC (uk) –since 1927France Television (France)
RAI (Italy)
PBS network
PBS (Malta previously known as XANDIR MALTA)

The model of Psb has 3 key players which are :


·         The state
·         The public
·         Autonomous regulatory Body .

v  When we speak about public broadcasting we are referring to TV and radio.
v  Public broadcasting does not mean state controlled or of the government ,but reflects the whole public.
v  Public broadcasting is generally made ,financed and controlled by the public,
v  Its aim is to function independently at the interest of the general population and should treat people as citizens rather than consumers.

Public broadcasting services should take hold of major events which are of national interest like :


v  Eurovision
v  World cup
v  Olympic games
v  Conferences
v  State funerals

o   Private companies are outnumbering public networks ,especially with the advent of cable TV, satellites and now digital TV.

o   Private TV is also less restrictive in terms of what it can show.

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