Friday, April 1, 2011

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities in General in Malta : but with a system in EU
If we go for a video editor or cameraperson, the market is different , therefore employment opportunities are different. Depends on role.

EO Includes:
1)      Full Time
2)      Part Time
3)      Contractual
4)      Freelance
5)      Voluntary

Part Time:
Part Time as a general rule in Malta and EU you must work 30 hrs or less per week, depends on agreement. Ex: McDonalds employ people for a specific num of hrs. Part-Time is generally hourly basis, It could be that someone works more that 30 hrs. In Media, you can have moments were you are a part timer but the employer need you for more working hours. In that case you are still a Part Timer. No fixed roster. Part Timer needs to pay the NI (National Insurance). Part Timer has the choice to select the time to work depending on his availability.  Part Timers have sick leave as well.

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