Friday, April 1, 2011

Audience Profile

-    Once the Research has been carried out, and the findings are carefully analysed, we can finally build an Audience Profile. (A report that demonstrates a clear and simple understanding of the Target Audience built up from various sources of evidence)

What is an Audience Profile?
-    A study of customer needs and wants
-    Gather as much information as possible so that the final product will be well received by the audience.

What is it used for?

-      To list the main characteristics of our Target Audience so that the Media Product can be totally customized for them.
-    It would help to determine the appropriate style, tone, format and amount of information that is required in the Media Product.

Writing an Audience Profile

-     What is it going to be used for?
-     What is the background of the audience?
-     What is the context in which the final product will be delivered?
-    Who is the target audience?                                      
-     What are their Demographics?
-     What type of Audience are they? Mainstream, Alternative, Niche?
-     How or why would this media Product / actual product interest them?
-     What would their needs, wants and expectations be of the advertised product?
-     What is the audience’s level of expertise? Familiar, newbie?
-     What type of advert would this target audience need? Persuasive, Informative?

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